Friday 19 September 2008

Evolution of technology

Name: Alejandro Grushka
Info: I live in Versalles, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina (in a house), I go to secondary school(hell yes, I hate this is all about it)
Country: Argentina
Interests and hobbies: Music, Internet (games, forums and general knowledge investigation), Philosophy, and leisure.
Movies and Shows:
Music: Sumo, Pink Floyd, ELP, Yes, Charly Parker, etc. Progressive rock, jazz, etc.
Books: At the moment, “El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha” from Miguel de Cervantes. Favorites:“El Mundo de Sofía”, Jostein Gaarder and “Rebelión en la granja”, George Orwell.
-Internet and previous communication
I mostly agree with the information that JJ showed in the video, but he is focused on communication and barcodes, I think barcodes are not such a big deal as relativity may be, or something like the atomic bomb, fisics,etc., or if the video would be more recent, the LHC.
-Technical tools for science investigation.

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