Friday 9 May 2008

What is Technology?

1.Technology it’s the result of knowlege over time plus modification of nature that helps humans to progress in some aspects ( and go back in others) and to make their life more “easy” in some kind of ways.
2.Some factors are: the goverment regultions, the costs ,the reliability and the rules of sciencie..
3.The study of the natural World, the sciencie that helps us understand the “way” and “how” of natural World.
4.Technical skills and knowns about science and engineering.
5.I consider myself technology literate because I know how to handle some technological artefacts but I try not to be a technology-slave, it’s hard sometimes because technology seemed to have gained a very important part in ourlives, but I think we don’t have to be slaves or suffer the consecuentes of something that should help us to progress, not to go back.

So sorry for my lateness, Lucía.

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